Globe Aroma

Globe Aroma is an artistic work and meeting place that offers space, time and a network to artists, co-creators and amateurs who have (had) a background as newcomers . Globe Aroma assists people who often face particular difficulties in accessing the artistic sector and engaging in artistic activities due to their precarious citizenship status. Globe Aroma builds, in alliance with the Flemish, Brussels and international cultural, educational and migration sectors, an intermediate spiritual and infrastructural space in which a community* can create, explore and share art with a wide audience.

Our multidisciplinary approach is based on three pillars: - A creative space (with open coworking space, the atelier, the Medialab, rehearsal room) where artists work on their projects. - Facilitate the exchange of knowledge and experience via experimental co-creation platforms for co-creators with or without artistic backgrounds. - Organizing cultural trips (Art For All) in small and large art venues in Brussels and Flanders.

Texte extrait de (“Globe Aroma - About Us” n.d.)

“Globe Aroma - About Us.” n.d. Globe Aroma Vzw . Accessed September 1, 2023. .